34th Australian Delegation to the United States of America


Ms Anika Wells (Australian Labor Party)
Delegation Leader Lawyer, Maurice Blackburn Lawyers

Mr Andrew Bragg (Liberal Party of Australia)
Executive Director, Business Council of Australia

Ms Ruby Cameron (The Nationals)
Senior Advisor, Office of Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie

Ms Megan Purcell (Liberal Party of Australia)
Senior Advisor, Office of Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash

Mr Shaun Crowe (Australian Labor Party)
Research Assistant, Parliamentary Library, Department of Parliamentary Services

Mr Alex Mills (Australian Greens)
Data & Systems Officer

Mrs Sharon Forester - Council Representative
Director, Australian Political Exchange Council

Counterpart Organisation

American Council of Young Political Leaders

Cities Visited

Washington, D.C., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, Los Angeles, California
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